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Monday, 28 November 2011

Fairy Tail 35 English Sub

showPL('p2','','Facebook Part 1');hidePL('p3','','Facebook Part 2');showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');hidePlugin('p1','',...

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Dragon Ball Kai 63 English Sub

showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub');hidePlugin('p2', '','','megavideo English Sub...

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Back in early June, my Mom and I went out to Las Vegas for a week's vacation. Mom's a veteran of Vegas, having been out there nearly a dozen times over the last 20 years. This was my first visit there, however, and I had a heck of a good time! Here's just a few of the more than 400 photos I took. (No, I won't bore you with them all.)We explored all...

Monday, 21 November 2011

Fairy Tail 34 English Sub

showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo');Click here to check searchvale for more mirrors if the above links are not worki...

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Happy Birthday, Al Hirschfeld!

If Al Hirschfeld, the celebrated caricaturist were still around today, he would have been hitting his 107th birthday. As it is, however, the old boy passed away back in January 2003, just a few months shy of turning 100! Still, he had an amazing career drawing for many venues over his many decades, and was primarily associated with creating linear...

Dragon Ball Kai 62 English Sub

showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub...

Finally, Something I Like!

I saw this over on Cartoon Brew yesterday and was so impressed with it that I felt compelled to comment on it here. It's just a short promo for the Palm Springs International Short Fest, yet somehow it has excited me more than any animated feature has in recent years. It was created by a studio called MAKE in Minneapolis, and the director/lead animator...
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